fantastic view over the snow covered village of San Vigilio di Marebbe in winter

The weather in San Vigilio

If you are going to San Vigilio or if you need to plan the next few days of the holiday take a look at the San Vigilio di Marebbe weather forecast. In this way you can avoid and unpleasant surprises if you want to undertake an excursion!

Today: Many clouds

In the afternoon, the weather will be partly sunny with some clouds. Föhn wind will blow in the northern valleys. The highest temperatures range from -1° to +8°.

Tomorrow: Mostly sunny weather

Clouds may arrive from the south, elsewhere the sun will prevail. Minimum temperatures negative, maximum between -1° and +6°.

Next days Weather forecasts: Generally sunny

  • Wed
  • Thu
  • Fri
  • Sat

Wednesday will begin with very sunny weather. As the hours pass, however, the cloudiness will tend to increase. Thursday will be sunny with often clear skies. Friday will also have clear skies. On Saturday, cloudiness will tend to increase again.

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