fabulous view over San Vigilio di Marebbe in summer

The weather in San Vigilio

If you are going to San Vigilio or if you need to plan the next few days of the holiday take a look at the San Vigilio di Marebbe weather forecast. In this way you can avoid and unpleasant surprises if you want to undertake an excursion!

Today: Mostly cloudy and windy

Further precipitation is expected on the border with North and East Tyrol. The focus is still on the rear Ahrntal valley and the snow line is between 1200 m and 1500 m. Towards the south it will be a little friendlier but still windy and cool. Temperatures in the afternoon are between 11° and 20°.

Next days Weather forecasts: Windy and cool

  • Sun
  • Mon
  • Tue
  • Wed

On Sunday, the weather will improve and it will be widely sunny. Temperatures will rise and the wind will weaken a little. On Monday, denser cloud fields will move through again and the sun will only appear occasionally. Tuesday will continue with a mixture of sun and cloud. There will be more sunshine again on Wednesday. High temperatures up to 23°.

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